When Kimberly Peirce, the director of "Boys Don't Cry", found out her film got a "NC17", her first responce was "That's great. All the films I love have it".

This Film is not yet Rated (2006)

Directed by:         Kirby Dick

Written by:          Kirby Dick, Eddie Schmidt, Matt Patterson

Cinematography: Shana Hagan, Kirsten Johnson, Amy Vincent


It was Ryan Gosling who first brought my attention to this issue.

When "Blue Valentine"(2010) was first rated an NC17 due to an implicit husband-to-wife oral sex scene, Gosling said the rating stigmatized the film. Public allegations was intensified as "Black Swan"(2010) was rated R only. If you've seen the film, you will not forget "that" scene between Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis. MPAA then agreed to review the rating, and revised with an R rating.  


Originally, the rating system was introduced to get rid of the censorship. However, the MPAA itself is ofen criticized by the film industry. The main reason is the lack of transparency in making such a big decision for the filmmakers. 

Filmmakers blasted MPAA for not being consistent. Why some are rated R, while the other are NC17. There are numerous rating controveries over the years. The organization was blamed for a double-standrad on rating, especially to scenes on homosexuality and female pleasure, as this documentary pointed out. The appealing system seems frustrating too. That's why many filmmakers backed down, and ended up cutting "convicted" scenes in order to have a wider showcase in major theatres.


Filmmakers and critics in this film sometimes refer to European's more open-minded guardlines on filmmaking. As being an audience, I do see how they treat sex and nudity differently. the Europeans are like "what's wrong with sex and nude? Why make such a fuss about them?" Indeed, they are just parts of everyday life.   


In Honh Kong, we have a similar rating system, I, IIA, IIB and III. Parental guidance is advised for the first 3 rated film. Cate III film is only for viewers over 18 years old. (Hong Kong is particularly strict on coarse language though.) The rumorous Cate IV films would be those that never make into screenings in Hong Kong cinames. Apart for Cate III, the other 3 ratings are simply advisory. In facts, who cares?!


Here's the list of some famous NC17 Films:

- 9 Songs (2004)

- A Clockwork Orange (1974)

- Bent (1997)

- Blue is the Warmest Colour (2013)

- The Dreamers (2003) 

- Elles (2003)

- The Evil Dead I & II (1981)(1987)

- Female Trouble (1974)

- Happiness (1998)

- Henry & June (1990)

- Kids (1995)

- Last Tango in Paris (1972)

- Lust, Caution (2007)

- Matador (1986)

- Man Bites Dog (1992)

- Nymphomaniac (2013)

- Orgazmo (1997) 

- Pink Flamingos (1972)

- Shame (2011)

- Showgirls (1995)

- Tie me up! Tie me down! (1990)

- Where the truth lies (2005) 

- And your Mother Too (2001)

You can see the full list on Wiki. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_NC-17_rated_films


Idea for next documentry, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences maybe? An organization that contains 94% white, 74% male and with the average age of the member is 63, most of them are conservative I assume. How about that~


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