Now will the children say they want to be an astronaut when they grow up?

Gravity (2013)

Directed by: Alfonso Cuarón

Written by:  Alfonso Cuarón, Jonas Cuarón

Starring:      Sandra Bullock, George Clooney

This movie is a showcase for Alfonso Cuarón, the director, producer, scrennwriter and editor of Gravity.He directed my favourite Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

The story itself is out of the box. The concept of shooting the entire in a "zero gravity environment" is groundbreaking. The execution is beautiful. I think the duration of the film is spot on, keeping it short and sweet. Cuarón's direction is terrific, My favourite scenes are those that featured the dreadful, lonesome, absolute silence. The editing is also working to keep up the suspense and the pace of the film.

The technical archievement of the film is superb. It doesn't even seem like CGI. It looks like what you would exactly see on a space ducumentary.

Without a doubt, Gravity is magnificent. However, I want more from a film. I want something that's more than meet the eyes.

But still, it's a good film.

    film movies gravity

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