Another entry of the Moleskine Film Journal.


You know how I think about the book in my previous review.


It's a great adaptation. As I've said, David Fincher is a master of storytelling. He turns a complicated story into a sophisticated film that's easy to understand. For my friends who didn't read the book, it's easy for them to follow. For me who have read the book, there are smart details to spot.

As a fan of the novel (sort of), I am satisfied of the film. The mood and the essence of the story is accompanied by the typical Fincher tone of filming. The twist is well presented. Soundtrack by Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross is creepy but awesome.  


The talk of the town, of course, is the stellar performance by Rosamund Pike. I love her acting being so subtle and controled, even though she's playing a psychopath (well maybe because she's not a "normal" psychopath). This is a multi-award-nomination-worthy performance for sure. Didn't know much about this actress before. From her portfolio, she's the former bond girl in "Die Another Day" and Jane Bennet in "Pride and Prejudice". Didn't make much an impression though. Now we know who Rosamund Pike is and how fierce she could be.


And about the ending, yeah we all have an issue about the ending... That's why I was so excited when I heard that Gillian Flynn would write a new ending for the film. But still, what a blummer... 


    movies films gonegirl

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