"I am proud to be a British."

This is how I felt after watching this film, even though I'm not a British. 

Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014)

Directed by: Matthew Vaughn

Written by:  Matthew Vaughn, Jane Goldman 

Starring:      Colin Firth, Samuel L. Jackson, Mark Strong, Taron Egerton, Michael Caine


Another awesome superhero-ish movie by Matthew Vaughn, who is also the director of the equally awesome movies like "Kick Ass" and "X-men: First Class"


The movie is clearly a tribute to spy movies, especially the Bond. It's also a tribute to the very best British culture, the manner, the suit, the shoes, umbrella, glasses, and even Guinness. How very posh is that. 


The movie is as stylish as its fashion. It's super fun to watch. The fighting sequences are nicely shot and edited. I love the bar scene and of course the church scene. Very comic-like. Hip and classy. 


I love Colin Firth, an amazing actor. It's great to see him being a super cool spy and kicking asses in a suit.


The movie introduces Taron Egerton. Now people refer him as "the young Colin Firth". I was like, really? That soon? I found him attractive for sure, but I'd like to see more acting before I jump to that title. 


Yes, a sequel is announced. Not sure who will return for this. Not sure Matthew Vaughn will return to direct either. For the record, we know Matthew Vaughn is not a sequel director. We'll see.


I bet Take That would make great cameo in the movie.

    films movies kingsmanmovie

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