This sequel fell flat... just like the Brazil national football team...  

Rio 2 (2014)

Directed by:    Carlos Saldanha

Wriiten by:      Don Rhymer, Carlos Kotkin, Jenny Bicks, Yoni Brenner

Voice-over by: Jesse Eisenberg, Anne Hathaway, Andy Garcia, Jemaine Clement

I like the first film. It's fun, bright and colourful. This one is... sloppy.

This time the location moves to Amazon and the topic is deforestation. The story goes all over the place.

And since when, this franchise becomes a musical. With the addition of Bruno Mars and Kristin Chenoweth, the cast is full of singers. But truly, the musical number is the only thing that's memorable. The Nigel singing scene, the jungle audition and the football match, that's all I remember aboiut this film. 

    movies films rio

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