
I can't sleep on a plane. No matter how tired I am, or how long the flight is, I just can't sleep well on a plane. 


What I would do is make good use of the entertainment system, put a record on or watch some movies. You've been paid for those music and movies with your ticket fee. Don't waste it.


Here's my perferences of choosing what to watch up in the air,

1. Light-hearted

(You don't want to ruin your relaxed holiday mood with a depressing movie.) 

2. Easy plot and dialogue

(You are too tired to focus on a complex storyline. Also, not all films have with subtitles.)

3. Small screen-friendly

(It's a small screen with low definition. What do you expect?)


These are the 2 films that I've watched on the way of my trip to Japan. 


Man Up (2015)

Directed by: Ben Palmer

Written by:   Tess Morris

Starring:       Simon Pegg, Lake Bell


Everything went quite well until they found out that they've dated a wrong person. They then let their true self out and resulted in a weird chemistry they didn't want to admit. Call it a rom-com, but this one is more comedic than is romantic. Simon Pegg is great as always. Lake Bell is a surprise for me in her comedic role. She gave me a bit of Sandra Bullock vibe. Great chemitry among the leads. Fun to watch their argument scene. The ending reminds me the feel of watching "Love Actually" at Christmas.   



While We're Young (2014)

Directed by: Noah Baumbach

Written by:   Noah Baumbach

Starring:       Ben Stiller, Naomi Watts, Adam Driver, Amanda Seyfried


A documentary filmmaker couple felt grown distant with their friends as they can't engage in the "kids" conversation.  They later met a younger documentary filmmaker couple and started to hang out. The depiction on hipsters is spot on. A cracked phone screen, the extreme old school vibe and the "not-to-google" motto is hilarious. Ben Stiller is giving one of his best performances. A perfectionist tried years to make a decent film, only to find out his young friend took all the credit with a film and method that he didn't approved of. Sometimes I'm not sure if Noah Baumbach is making fun of Stiller's character or sympathize with him. Not sure of the conspiracy thing about Adam Driver's character is a neccessary/well-developed plot twist though... Seems too dramatic and odd... Cultural clash, generation gap, midlife crisis, nostagia, quite a  content for a 90-min film.  


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