Among all the superheroes, the X-men is one of my favourite franchise.

X-men: Days of Future Past (2014)

Directed by: Bryan Singer

Written by:  Simon Kinberg (screenplay)

Starring:      James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Hugh Jackman, Jennifer Lawrence, Peter Dinklage 

Last year, the 1st trailer of this movioe came out and was fantastic. It's exciting, it's promising, it's touching. The scene of the meeting of 2 Prof Xs nearly drove me into tears. Now the wait is over. The movie itself is really good too. 

I am not sure how the mechanism works in Kitty's trick. Too much physics ;P Anyways, they found a way to sent Wolverine back to alter history, so that the mutant community would have a chance to survive.  He had 3 tasks, work together with Prof. X and Magneto; prevent Mystic from being captured; and make human hate less about mutants. They sort of pull it off, but god knows what domino effects they have brought. 

This film expands the depth of the characters esp on Prof. X and Magneto. James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender continue to bring up their charisma. A vulnerable professor. A stubborn villain who is determined to bring a better future to his kind. A new addition to the cast is Peter Dinklage. I am so happy for this actor. He further established himself as a professional actor in "Game of Thrones". He is landed with this job by his ability, not his physiology. Go Tyrion Lannister.

The problem of this franchise is continuity. With different directors and writers, it's hard to make sense with all the X-men movies. Now, with this film, Bryan Singer is literally saying "OK. Let's start this over." Forget about the previous trilogy, forget about the Wolverrine spin-offs. It's down to "X-men: First Class" and this. Should be a great news to the comic fans. Things are getting back on track.

The star of the film is of course QuickSilver, played by Evan Paters. That kitchen scene is awesome as hell. The scene that every viewers talk about. The song "Time in a bottle" is spot-on. Love the scene so bad. I am gonna remember this beautiful scene for a long long time. 


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