The body of a young and beautiful French girl is beautiful, but not enough to make a good film. 

Jeune et Jolie (Young and Beautiful) (2013)

Directed by: Francois Ozon

Wriiten by:   Francois Ozon

Starring:      Marine Vacth, Johan Leysen, Fantin Ravat, Charlotte Rampling

A 17-yera-old girl Isabelle is curious about sex. However, her first night was not that satisfied. After giving away her virginaity and also her fantasy on sex, she decided to make use of her body to earn money. One of her regular customer is a old man. During one transaction, he died on bed. Isabelle's secret is then exposed.

Sounds dramatic?

Unfortunately, it's not. It is as plain as Marine Vacth's acting... Sorry... She's very beautiful though.

It seems like an amateur's work. The director Franscois Ozon, whose previous work includes well-acclaimed "Swimming Pool" and "8 Women", totally missed the gist. We can't relate to Isabelle because we know nothing about her. We don't know what she's thinking. We don't know how does she feel. Isabelle's relationship with her little brother and the old man is interesting, but no elaboration. The presentation is plain. After the big twist, going to a shrink is such a cliche developement. Also, the 4 seasons doesn't make any sense to the story.

There are a lot of films on sexuality but not many of them are good. It's such an interesting issue to discuss. Please not just only take it as a gimmick of a soft porn. Please go deeper and give us some insights or point of view.   


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